Charles and Abigail Placeway (1914 to 1920)

According to property records, Charles E. Placeway acquired the property on April 25, 1914 for $1 from his sibling, Jennie Baetcke. The 1915 platte map for Brighton shows a “Mrs. C.E. Placeway” as the owner of the property at that time. Charles Placeway founded the Brighton Weekly Argus in [1880], and he died in 1915. At the time of his death, he was married to Abigail Placeway, who was in her second marriage. Abigail Placeway’s first marriage was to William Lyon, who was a founder of the Lyon School in Brighton. At the time of her death in 1920, the property was transferred by probate to relatives who lived out of state: Edith Lyon Bechtel, Judd S. Lyon, and Lonlon Turney Lyon. Charles and Abigail Placeway are buried in the St. Patrick Calvary cemetery across the street from the property.


Jennie Baetcke (Unknown to 1914)


Seger Family (1920 to 1953)