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Outdoor Yoga with Sarah

  • Brighton Light House Outdoor Classroom 142 Brighton Brighton, MI, 48116 United States (map)

Yin Yoga with Sarah

Our resident yogi, Sarah Richards, LMSW, RYT200 of Ananda Wellness, is here to help us bridge the gap between the sweetness of Summer and the cool days of Fall with some delicious Yin Yoga at Brighton Light House. This class is held in our Outdoor Classroom in the beautiful backyard.

Don’t forget your insect repellent.

Yin yoga is typically a quiet practice known for longer-held poses. It targets the deeper tissues in our bodies, and as Sarah says, “The tissues hold our issues.”

Treat yourself to a peaceful, deep stretch and release with this beautiful Yin practice in the solace of nature.

You can learn more about Sarah and her therapy, meditation, and yoga practice at

Outdor Yoga with Sarah

Wednesdays 7:00-8:00 PM


September 10

intenSati—high energy movement with mantras

September 25

Line Dancing Lessons